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  • Prototype

    Has anyone played prototype yet? Just wondering if it was any good. Also looking forward to Street Fighter IV for PC, I'm glad they decided to release a PC version. You'd probably want a gamepad for that one though, can't imagine using the keyboard with it.
  • #2

    I played prototype on the xbox360.. it was really similar style of game play to crackdown on the xbox 360.
    The game has some impressive visuals and crazy actions you can do. I found there was alot of filler bs in the game like raceing up a tower in time or to another location in time or collecting glowing blue things in parks/rooftops. I never did finish the game because i lost interest fast.

    For street fighter on pc would be cheap because anyone can make a macro to do a supper move easy. Still a great game but not worth the price tag.. They are re releasing the game, a collectors edition with the blu-ray movie.


    • #3

      Thanks for the review Minus, I appreciate it, didn't want to spend the money on Prototype until I had someone who played it lt me know if it was good or not. As far as Street Fighter IV, I had to buy that, I have been a fan of it since the Original Nintendo days and I think it looks and plays great. Again, thank you Minus


      • #4

        Played Prototype for the PC,got bored after the first day,or so....
        In Memory of Anna Dixon
        Aug. 31,1964 - Dec. 6,2012

        Life is just an illusion,so,enjoy the ride while you can.

        Depression sux.......but the drugs are good.


        • #5

          Thanks OT, I think I will save my money for a different game then instead of Prototype. Thanks guys for the reviews.


          • #6


