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Windows 10

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  • #31

    If your system is telling you you're not eligible right now, it actually is. You just won't get it as a windows update.

    You can install, create an ISO, or a bootable USB upgrade by using the following from Microsoft:

    64-bit upgrade
    32-Bit upgrade

    You cannot upgrade from a 32bit OS to 64bit so if you're running a 32bit, you will need to reinstall the previous OS 7,8,or 8.1 64bit. The product key works for both.

    If you have the Ultimate edition of any of those OS's I think it gives you Windows 10 pro as there is no longer an ultimate edition, at least not now. You cannot use the apps to upgrade enterprise editions.


    • #32

      Thanks for the tip HTM~.:Q:. That resolved my issue as well.


      • #33

        Soon as anyone figures out a way to stop and uninstall/delete windows 10 from doing it's thing, please post!!! ARGH!
        Mind as muscle, Body as energy, Spirit as thought.


        • #34

          Have you closed all the security holes and killed the torrent like file sharing for updates on your win10 rig yet there B?
          Wake up and smell the corruption!


          • #35

            Originally posted by HTM~Cousin_Itt
            Have you closed all the security holes and killed the torrent like file sharing for updates on your win10 rig yet there B?
            Oh, the hacked stuff used to be funny.

            The only torrenting I do is for sites that legitimately use torrents instead of direct downloads. I don't pirate software, music, or movies.

            Why would I need hacked software anyway? I get everything free from Microsoft under my Academic account.


            • #36

              Batman, I think Cuz was directing that to Zen "B" = Brandon.


              • #37

                Oh, he's constantly giving me crap about that too. ;-)


                • #38

                  Originally posted by HTM~Batman
                  Oh, he's constantly giving me crap about that too. ;-)
                  So true however, I was referring to Zeneye about the win10 updating deal where any pc can host all the updates needed for that network. Most people do not even realize it will cross platforms(OSes). But with that being said Batman, I have never seen a geek like you have sooooooooo many issues with your cd keys.....just sayin.
                  Wake up and smell the corruption!


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by HTM~Cousin_Itt View Post
                    So true however, I was referring to Zeneye about the win10 updating deal where any pc can host all the updates needed for that network. Most people do not even realize it will cross platforms(OSes). But with that being said Batman, I have never seen a geek like you have sooooooooo many issues with your cd keys.....just sayin.
                    So wait any pc on the same subnet can act as like a WSUS server? I can hear IT admins screaming I think...
                    Mind as muscle, Body as energy, Spirit as thought.


                    • #40

                      Originally posted by HTM~ZenEye
                      So wait any pc on the same subnet can act as like a WSUS server? I can hear IT admins screaming I think...
                      Actually, it's kind of worse than that. Looking at the settings and network traffic, it could actually act like a torrent - TO ANYONE updating the updates you've already downloaded. I'm trying to find the ports and block them at the router, just in case turning the option off doesn't actually stop it from happening.


                      • #41

                        Originally posted by HTM~Cousin_Itt View Post
                        So true however, I was referring to Zeneye about the win10 updating deal where any pc can host all the updates needed for that network. Most people do not even realize it will cross platforms(OSes). But with that being said Batman, I have never seen a geek like you have sooooooooo many issues with your cd keys.....just sayin.
                        Yea, the CD key for UT wasn't actually an issue with the key. I was running the UT4 and UT 2004 server on a domain controller. None of my PC's are actually members of the domain, it's required for WDS which is a life saver when someone brings me a computer with no OS or a dead hard drive. It also allows me to reinstall windows on any machine over the network, which is 1000 times faster than even a USB install.

                        I don't reinstall on my gamer that often anymore as I now have a completely separate PC for projects and debugging. That's pretty much the only reason I need a clean install as all my games are on STEAM or like UT2004, backed up to a NAS and RAID array.

                        I had UT2004 on a Windows 2012 Domain controller without any CD key issues, but my Microsoft Academic account, I get the latest and greatest of Servers, so I installed Server 2012r2. Suddenly, I had the key issues. Apparently, it would send the Server key instead of my game key. When I could play, I would get kicked every time the server changed maps because it sends the CD key for authorization. I'd get kicked. I'd be able to get back in, until the server switched maps.

                        Once I powered the server off, my game played fine.

                        I send Epic a reply after Flack send me the UT collection for Steam advising them of the issue, and they confirmed it's a 2012r2 issue. The server, being a domain controller gets top priority of the network. There's registry changes you can make, but it wasn't important enough at that point as the Warzone server is now hosted on the Clan's box in Dallas. I put Server 2012r2 on a power efficient HP mini PC since I only use it for WSUS and WDS.

                        So, no hacks, no stolen keys, just a stubborn Domain controller that wants control over machines that aren't even a member. First time I've ever seen that.


                        • #42

                          Serious issue hopefully you guys can help me out. Since yesterday, everytime a match ended I would get booted out of ut2004 with an error message. Today after getting booted again, I was not able to get back on. The error message pops up before I get to enter the game. Heres the error message......This problem began when I downloaded Windows 10 on my system a few days ago.



                          • #43

                            Change video to opengl, will fix your issue Des. I gave you this info even though I was told not to.
                            Wake up and smell the corruption!


                            • #44

                              Originally posted by HTM~olde_tymer
                              Alright guys,having a problem here. After upgrading, every time I try to run UT, I get a D3DERR_DEVIVELOST crash, any help? By the way, all drivers are up to date, even before I upgraded.
                              Im getting the same exact error you did you fix the problem???


                              • #45

                                jajaja thats cold....where I change it? In my Nvidia settings?

