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  • Hello folks!

    I am Bob, from southern NM, 44, and am a welder/fabricator by trade. I have been playing UT for approx 2 yrs or more, and have been playing online for about half of that.

    And, that is the CliffNotes version of that. Glad to have good folks and good clans to frag with, always GGs.
  • #2

    Howdy P@nic!

    Thanks for stopping in, make yourself comfortable.

    Are you strictly 2k4 or do you dabble in UT3 as well?


    • #3

      If it has rockets, I try to play it. Haven't fired up UT3 recently, but I did notice that HTM has a couple of servers, of course which I added to my favs.


      • #4

        We actually have 3 UT3 servers, Freak runs a DM server (Ye Old Pub) with every map ever made on it, and then we have an Invasion RPG server (HTM ]|[ Revolution) and a TDM server running a "TAM-like" mod (HTM ]|[ Nexus).

        Status ( I'm still working on a way to get player listing) for the server can be found on the server page on the far left.


        • #5

          Welcome to the madness P@nic,good ta see another burned up welder


          • #6

            great clan to hang out with panic


            • #7

              Hi, panic.... been enjoying playin ya!
              Something Clever Goes Here


              • #8

                Originally posted by [NBK]P@nic
                I am Bob, from southern NM, 44, and am a welder/fabricator by trade. I have been playing UT for approx 2 yrs or more, and have been playing online for about half of that.

                And, that is the CliffNotes version of that. Glad to have good folks and good clans to frag with, always GGs.

                Hiya P@nic!!!
                Nice to see you on the boards!!!

