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Welcome our newest member HTM Creepa!
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Welcome to our newest member...HTM Creepa!
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  • cReePa

    Hello HTM,

    Figured it was time I posted something here..

    Wanted to let you know as a group,

    I truly appreciate the fact you have accepted me in your circle. means a lot .

    By now most of you already know me well enough to realize, I'm light hearted and not a very serious person.

    And, that I am extremely good looking.... EXTREMELY !

    There's nothing better than being able to cut up with friends and play the game we all love.

    I learned long ago that players with ego take from the game rather than give.

    That said, it’s refreshing to play with a group of stellar players that are simply in it for laughs and a good time .

    Cheers to you all !
    Last edited by creepa; 07-29-2024, 09:52 AM.
  • #2

    Wow......That made me shed a tear..........a MAN tear goddammit..........but a tear nonetheless.

    Keep that up and we'll have to figure out who has the clan goat and send it your way. I'm sure you'll know what to do when that happens.......
    Having a dog named "Shark" at the beach was a bad idea!


    • #3

      lol... a man tear!!


      • #4

        Originally posted by HTM~Bluesman View Post
        Wow......That made me shed a tear..........a MAN tear goddammit..........but a tear nonetheless.

        Keep that up and we'll have to figure out who has the clan goat and send it your way. I'm sure you'll know what to do when that happens.......
        Don't forget the barrel of lube!
        Wake up and smell the corruption!


        • #5

          Well, actually, we all think you're an asshole, but hey...

          Seriously, glad you made it to the website, finally. It's been great playing with and hanging out with you on TS. The skills you bring I think have made a bunch of us better players.
          In Memory of Anna Dixon
          Aug. 31,1964 - Dec. 6,2012

          Life is just an illusion,so,enjoy the ride while you can.

          Depression sux.......but the drugs are good.


          • #6

            Lmao OT! I appreciate you Brotha..

