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  • CTF-CarPark-Classic->Dissected

    Tricky Toonces!

    A few of us were discussing this earlier today and trying to figure it out. I could not see how Toonces was achieving this but it is really quite simple and ingenious. He's just used an old trick. The map is really two maps in one. The main map, where the Flag bases are, has no laser (electrical bolts) field. But, if you teleport, you will go to the part of the map that does have the laser field. That explains how the laser field appeared to be on at times and off at times. The following image shows that.

    So you never have to go to the other part of the map to play and win the game. In fact, this is a really small CTF map. You can capture the enemy's flag and return to score in less than 10 seconds. That's quick. But if you go through the teleporter, then its another matter. Here is an image of the main part of the map with the Flag bases and NO laser field.

    Cool huh. No lasers here. But if we teleport, then we get this part of the map.

    The pink colored rectangles are really Lava volumes that cause 1000 points of damage. Instant death. Behind both of the dune buggies there are other volumes that cause damage but won't kill you if you move away from them. These volumes are present in BOTH parts of the map. (There are also lasers in some of the tunnel entrances as well.)

    For Q: If you go to the right map in the editor there are plenty of emitters for the lasers (electrical bolts). We were just in the left map trying to figure it out. You can actually see the emitters in the image just above.

    A very good slight-of-hand method Toonces. And well done.

    Yes, another map could be easily spun off of this classic one while leaving out the most unwanted parts. Someone would just have to give me or Q a little direction for such as either one of us could do this quite easily.

    Bob's lesson for the day is now finished. Later guys.
    "I tried to think but nuttin' happened."
  • #2

    I was actually looking in a different map the whole time. lol!

    There is a version of the map called CTF-CarPark-DCSE-XL. It is the main map area without the transporters and second area. So I would have never seen the lasers. On well... I found CTF-(2K4)CarParkClassic and it seems to be the same one you have above.

    I was never a big CTF player so I generally have no CTF style maps.

