Actually,Khan,if remember correctly,Par was the one that mentioned it when we met him in San Antonio. About the roll off,that is.
No announcement yet.
The "rolloff" setting (not rollover) is a common tweak and not a cheat. I have used it in the past but not sure I have it set on my current UT-capable PCs I have at home. Rolloff is a setting you change the number on to hear opponents across the map better. If you turn it on too much, everything on the entire map sounds like it is right next to you and becomes useless.
The art is in tweaking the setting just right to optimize and find a useful middle ground for close sounds and far ones. Hearing your enemy when he can't hear you is a big advantage, especially when you are alone against the last 1 or 2 opponents in a TAM round or in a 1 on 1 game. In tournaments or leagues in the past, they sometimes placed a limit on this setting but if you jack it up too much it is of no help. If you Google and find a link it will explain how to do the setting and find that happy medium on the setting to allow you some benefit from it.
Originally posted by HTM~Cousin_Itt...when you are on TS every night due to any advantage is gone when your talking with peeps and can't hear half the game anyways.I'll make an effort to get on TS more, but my game suffers a bit from the distraction factor (Zen being a motor mouth etc... heheh - no offense Zen I actually like u a lot anyway) and from not being able to hear the opponents as well when peeps are chatting away... bla bla yammer yammer yakkity yak.
Gotta check my rolloff settings... this thread reminded me I need to do that.
And... can someone post a link with the info on turning off footsteps in the ini? I had that set up fine years ago but after re-installs I've just left it on.
No I didn't remember, thought it was you.
Originally posted by HTM~olde_tymerActually,Khan,if remember correctly,Par was the one that mentioned it when we met him in San Antonio. About the roll off,that is.
Hope you all had a great Christmas.
Hi guys. I've been gone for a bit. As for the comment about setting Mark off? I was only being supportive the whole time while in spec with comments of "ns, nice, gj" and the like. I am also far from a leet player. All I have to say is that it's more than being a better player that's made this into such a big ordeal. As for not being told I cheat; most of you one many occasions blatantly accused me. Even after not playing, staying in spectate, and being positive I wasn't wanted, which means it wasn't something concerning skill cap. This is all behind me now, but I have to keep defending myself which is getting old. I'm chill yo.
"Hi guys. I've been gone for a bit. As for the comment about setting Mark off? I was only being supportive the whole time while in spec with comments of "ns, nice, gj" and the like. I am also far from a leet player."
After my PM to you, I am surprised that you are still worrying about me. Aww shucks, I feel the love. Whatever bro, move on, I am already taken.
Second, not sure why you are feeling like you need to defend yourself as your name has been brought up only once or twice since before Christmas. Sorry but it is what it is.
Third, who said anything to you about YOUR ini? I see that this conversation moved away from you and into general discussion about what our ini's have as far as settings and members perceptions of said settings.
Not trying to be an asshole Kyle but once again I see my name in one of your posts/forum rants. After my PM to you...Wake up and smell the corruption!
If anyone cares, I saw this post from pingping on MHK forum about us. I chuckled.
It's under discussions
It's even funnier that I never said he cheated, but things keep revolving back to that. The clan voted to remove him because his "skill" made the server environment less fun.
By the way, there are many hacks out today for 2K4 that NO anti-cheat available can detect. Any clan that thinks they can detect these are sadly mistaken. It's all left to experienced admin, and to my knowledge no HTM admin proved he was cheating, but the fact that so many wasted countless hours trying to prove he was tells the story.
mdewjunkie is a 2k4 veteran, I respect his opinion but he obviously only heard one side of the story. I wish PingPing the best and hope he finds a clan to play with that is more on his "level".
Thanks for the link Hawkette.
I started to join the forum there to respond, but I decided there was no point in kicking a dead horse.
For anyone who didn't see this video the first time feel free to take a look at it and see how Ping seems to have an uncanny sense of direction while the admin "wall hack" tool is running. He always seems to know which way to turn, even when the player is across the map. I guess that's just me not wanting to be beat all the time. <--- right click and "save link as".
mdewjunkie Knew Hazard was cheating but couldn't prove it either. Just airing our laundry on another forum is a pisser. Pingping has been questionable in the past, we weren't the first.sigpic
That was enough proof for me to know he was using a wall hack. Too many times he's already aiming at the opponent when that opponent isn't actually in view, especially at the pillars toward the end. He was aimed right at them prior to jumping up.
The whole wounded act is old and it's always the same... I wasn't cheating, I was trying to play less than my skill level, I was .... bla bla bla. I guess throwing a few random shots here and there defers from the fact he knows no one is actually there. Why cheat in a 11 year old game? Simply put, people get a kick out of the high scores.
There are those who can predict where you're going to be, but to know where someone is every time is very evident in the video simply by his changing direction when someone appears behind, above, or below him. His route takes him right to the opponent. There really is no disputing it.
I tried to register over there to read what was written, because I love to put liars in their place, nicely, but whatever. It keeps saying the security code was incorrect.
I'm not the best player. We know that. I play for the friendship and the laughs. Yea, it's great to get a great score, I've had a few, and many many others have done much better by actually playing fair.
I was accused of cheating once. Even then, I didn't put of the BS rant and crap spewing from Ping. I had a clan backing me, knowing full well it was a error and that was the end, especially knowing I was an average player (It was COD World at War - terrible game anyway multiplayer wise).
PingPing, always has a high score, even when he played on [NBK] servers under one of his other names. We thought he was a cheat back then. The video was all I need to be convinced. Anything he says from this point forward is really invalid.
I think Minion had the best argument when he noted that Ping was ALWAYS consistently at the top of the scoreboard, good days, bad days, laptop, Gaming PC that we gave him with a NEW motherboard and a NEW 23" monitor. Always hits his shots, always knows where people are. It got to the point where I just didn't want to play if he was in. I'm not sorry he is gone and after seeing this pedantic BS on MHK I'm definitely taking him off my Christmas card list!Having a dog named "Shark" at the beach was a bad idea!
"I'll be seeing you guys around more often
My clan sent me a message saying "We can't prove you are cheating but we have tried every test and you've passed, but we are banning you from the server, ts, and stripping your tag". Some bullshit. I guess they think i use radar? Which is a ton of help on the maps we play...which are like 4 maps...gael, under le, garden of stone, citybrawl....Im not even that good. They give 20 points for rez and i average about 150 pts a game because i rez like 4-5 times...I've been playing this game for years and never encountered any serious problems or accusations like this and i'm pretty upset. HTM is toxic....i'll be around more on MHK my first home in UT2004 and most supportive secondary family. So every friday come to and show HTM that they aren't as good of players as they think they are and please help support me"
Maybe they should see the video? What a douche.
What's the first name of Ky_Ranger?