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Fast weapon switch coding

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  • Fast weapon switch coding

    I use keybinding to switch fast from guns that i need it looks like this and you can coppy and past it into your user ini if you wanna try my keybinds just for fun.
    Mouse5=SwitchWeapon 6|Fire|OnRelease SwitchWeapon 9
    Mouse4=SwitchWeapon 1|AltFire|OnRelease SwitchWeapon 4
    Ofcorse take out the mouse part and the = but poot it on that line or try it and change it got however it works best for you i used to have a razer mombo with all the guns i use in tam bound to it but now im just useing a cheap 6 butten mouse
    also i have my link bound to "Q" and my Flack bound to "R" just so their in reach for a quick flack or shaft lol....
  • #2

    I use a left handed Death Adder and here is my pipe switching on my mouse:

    Mouse5=PipedSwitchWeapon 7 | PipedSwitchWeapon 8
    Mouse4=PipedSwitchWeapon 4 | PipedSwitchWeapon 9

    I run 3500 DPI with 1000 polling rate.

    Since I use the arrow keys for movement, I won't bother sharing my hotkeys.
    Wake up and smell the corruption!


    • #3

      Pipe switches are slightly faster are they not?
      Mind as muscle, Body as energy, Spirit as thought.


      • #4

        Still using my 518,wish they would upgrade it,fits my hand better than the new ones I've tried.

        Mouse5=pipedswitchWeapon 8 | pipedswitchweapon 7
        Mouse4=pipedswitchWeapon 4 | pipedswitchweapon 9
        MiddleMouse= pipedswitchweapon 3 | pipedswitchweapon 1
        MouseWheelDown=PipedSwitchWeapon 5|PipedSwitchWeapon 6
        MouseWheelUp=PipedSwitchWeapon 2|PipedSwitchWeapon 0


        • #5

          I use the mouse scroll thingy to change weapons.


          • #6

            Im try the pipe thing Hope its faster that would be badd ass thought i was shoing you guys somthing and learned somthing Too cool!


            • #7

              To add more info/tips here are my sniping tips from yesteryear before I was HTM like many many moons ago and all this was before I upgraded my equipment to gaming quality but should still be useful. Use to piss off Anarchy all the time on Unreal Estate

              Here is my short list of sniper tips:

              Here are some things that I do. For a headshot on a person/bot who is standing, aim just slightly over the head, if they are crouching, at the chin. Z axis can change this though so adjust as needed. It has something to do with the modeling. If I know someone is sniping but can't find them, with health permitting of course, I will give them a target, me, find where they are by the smoke or sound(update, light flash for lightening gun), and setup for a headshot. I do not use zoom to find anyone normally I mainly use it when I already see them if I use it at all. Since being on SRN, I have learned to run and gun with the sniper rifle because of you Massive, Fade, Hawkette and Dad. I also will use angles against people. When someone jumps in the air, I wait until they are at the peak of the jump or on the way down, that way I got time to line up the shot, hence the headshots I get while people are in the air. The final thing is I play the person and the map as we all do. People are a creatures of habits, watching them run around will tell you where they like to go and what weapons they like to use. When I am way ahead, I will just sit up top and watch you guys play. I can only make recommendations via spectating, but since its not the same as playing, it's kind of hard to tell you exactly what you are doing wrong besides that you don't look up enough. As far as a player, I consider you one of the best on the server and I try to play like you but I am not that fast. Too many dead brain cells. lol. My new kick is getting headhunter +20 headshots on Unreal Estate so I am not dominating it and ruining it for all. I chase a lot of people away when I just flat out play on Unreal Estate and I really don't think I am that good.

              Now you know MOST of the secrets of Nilrem's sniping, I can't give it all away can I? lol DON'T USE IT AGAINST ME! j/k lol. See you on the UT battlefield and happy fragging!


              Nilrem AKA Merlin AKA Cousin_Itt AKA Revolution AKA Cotton Eye Joe AKA Random Chaos fuck it.
              Wake up and smell the corruption!


              • #8

                Same here Q lol


                • #9

                  Did the scroll for years, far too slow. pipeswitch is the only way to go.


                  • #10

                    I use pipeswitching for my hitscan weapons and another for rockets/flak.
                    I keep my shield gun bound to my side button on my mouse in case Lunch meat jumps in front of me I can shield him quicker.


                    • #11

                      I have the shock and lg pipeswitched to one side button and the other bound to rox/flak. I tried pipeswitching the scroll wheel at one point to have hitscan weaps on scroll up and link/goo/mini on scroll down but could never get it to work right. I wish my G9 had one more button on the side for the shield. Maybe I would use it more
                      Having a dog named "Shark" at the beach was a bad idea!


                      • #12

                        I used to use pipeswitching when I played competitively 10 years ago but now I'm too old and get confused. I do have a freaking great mouse though.

                        “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
                        ― Oscar Wilde


                        • #13

                          Oldtimer's mouse is a lot older than that!

                          Having a dog named "Shark" at the beach was a bad idea!


                          • #14

                            This thing was a bitch to macro!


                            • #15

                              Think I need an upgrade.
                              Attached Files

