Sup guys,
My name is Mark, i currently play as OrtXeD if anyone has seen me in the few servers that still exist today. I used to play as [VaP]OrioN a long time ago.
anyway I have recently reinstalled the game and have found very few tam servers to play on, I was even running my own server here for me a buddy and our son's to play on, but traffic is terrible.
anyway I always see htm guys on but can never seem to play with you guys, I think we may have mingled a night or two on the A!M server but otherwise nada. so what gives? you seem to be the last bastion of hope for ut2k4 TAM but are always in a pw'd server :/ or the pub server with force spectate :? am I missing something. sincerely guy who wants to occasionally play 2k4 TAM
My name is Mark, i currently play as OrtXeD if anyone has seen me in the few servers that still exist today. I used to play as [VaP]OrioN a long time ago.
anyway I have recently reinstalled the game and have found very few tam servers to play on, I was even running my own server here for me a buddy and our son's to play on, but traffic is terrible.
anyway I always see htm guys on but can never seem to play with you guys, I think we may have mingled a night or two on the A!M server but otherwise nada. so what gives? you seem to be the last bastion of hope for ut2k4 TAM but are always in a pw'd server :/ or the pub server with force spectate :? am I missing something. sincerely guy who wants to occasionally play 2k4 TAM