Hey folks, i just changed my OS from Windows to Linux. Cant say its the best decision I've made but it certainly isn't the worst. It runs alright. But it takes a while to get used to considering the fact that most important commands are done through the command line. It has a lot of softwares such as Word processors and Image Editing softwares. Linux has a lot of custon effects, but it slows down my comp when i enable them [i have compiz fusion installed]. Furthermore, I have an ATI Reidon graphics card. ATI drivers dont have good support for Linux, [hence my comp slows down when the effects are enabled]
But its not all that bad without the Effects. UT actually runs on Linux. I just installed it last night, but its running hilariously slow. I guess there'll be no UT for me untill i fix this bug XD.
Anyhow, I'm posting this Thread to hear all of your opinions of Linux XD.
[This is not my Desktop, but I have similar effects]