So, over the past few weeks, I've been booted or flat out blocked from playing.
Cousin and I've been trying to figure it out. It's the server. Flak, from Epic, sent me a new key and I was still getting the same issue. it turns out, every time the server renews its connection to Epic's master servers, it boots me from the game.
I'm going to simply force the server to another port, other than the standard 7777, but if that don't work, I have to set up a subnet for my home computers.
I figured I'd try to kill the server and I got online with the game immediately. As soon as the server authenticates it's key, I get booted.
SO, now I have three UT2004 keys, with one from Steam, courtesy of Flack.
She was very quick to reply, which surprised me. Awesome woman.
I'll keep you posted.
Cousin and I've been trying to figure it out. It's the server. Flak, from Epic, sent me a new key and I was still getting the same issue. it turns out, every time the server renews its connection to Epic's master servers, it boots me from the game.
I'm going to simply force the server to another port, other than the standard 7777, but if that don't work, I have to set up a subnet for my home computers.
I figured I'd try to kill the server and I got online with the game immediately. As soon as the server authenticates it's key, I get booted.
SO, now I have three UT2004 keys, with one from Steam, courtesy of Flack.
She was very quick to reply, which surprised me. Awesome woman.
I'll keep you posted.